the book a tale of 2 cities

“A Tale of Two Cities” – A new book by Prof. Victor Grech

We are excited and proud to announce the first edition of the coffee table book, “A Tale of Two Cities”; a collaboration between Beating Hearts Malta and the RE/MAX & Friends Foundation. This unique book is based on a photo pairing concept by Prof. Victor Grech, the President of Beating Hearts Malta and Consultant Pediatrician (Cardiology) at Mater

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November 2019 bursaries award group photo

Award of Bursaries

The first bursaries for 2019 sponsored by Beating Hearts Malta have been awarded to the healthcare professionals  that had applied for them. BHM is glad to announce that all the funds allocated for the bursaries have been awarded. A group of young doctors will be attending specialised training and conferences on adult and paediatric cardiology

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BHM and Senior Cricket Festival Association representatives during presentation of donation

Malta Seniors Cricket Festival Donation to BHM

Beating Hearts Malta would like to thank the Malta Seniors Cricket Festival, especially tournament director and Beating Hearts member Frank Spiteri, his fellow organisers and the competing teams for this year’s donation of € 1876.61. Funds were mainly raised through the Awards Dinner Raffle, however special thanks must also go to the Yorkshire Ridings, Kent and Sussex

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painting oil on canvas by Prof Victor Grech

Profs Grech Donates Paintings to BHM

In June 2018, Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist and  Beating Hearts Chairman, Prof. Victor Grech donated 150 paintings to the Association for the purpose of fundraising. These paintings depicted Maltese landscapes and seascapes. The medium used was oil on canvas with a painting knife.  Over the Summer 4 exhibitions in 3 five star hotels in Malta as well as

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