The end of the year is soon with us and we thought it would be best to give you all a brief update of what has been done so far with the funds you have generously donated to Beating Hearts Malta (BHM). If you recall, towards the end of last year BHM committed to raise €50k towards the purchase of a new Echo-cardiograph machine for the Cardiac wing at Mater Dei worth €100k. The second €50k is to be funded by the government.
The cardiac wing already has three of these machines in operation which are now over ten years old and given the increase in patients as well as, advances in technology they are in need for this new machine to be used for both children and adult cardiac patients.
Thanks to your generosity and a charity event held last February at Villa Arrigo, BHM successfully achieved its goal of raising the required €50k and even exceeded this amount. The health department has naturally been informed and the purchase of the Echo cardio machine is going through the standard Govt. process of procurement. Unfortunately, this matter is completely out of our control and painstakingly slow. In the meantime, BHM is working to raise funds for the purchase a new CPET Machine (Cardiopulmonary exercise testing) and the excess funds collected last year have been put towards this cause. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) has become an important clinical tool to evaluate exercise capacity and predict outcome in patients with heart failure and other cardiac conditions.
It is an advanced way of assessing exercise capacity in patients suspected or known to have disease of the circulatory and / or respiratory system, and allows for the monitoring of patients over the years to better understand how well they are doing with their condition and whether they need specific treatment with time.
Once again, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your generosity and take this opportunity to wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas.